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Elizabeth Ann Fowler - Online Memorial Website

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Elizabeth Fowler
Born in Kentucky
24 years
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aunt carolyn
i guess one of my best was that day @daycare (there was so many fun days there) when u said the bad word in front of granny & was sooo mad that day but yet it was sooo funny... also i have to mention the day you rolled in the office floor laughing @ granny over the leg many great memories with you, you had a sense of humor all of your very own.. i sure do miss you. you always made me laugh even on the worst days.. rest in peace baby everyone is doing ok down here waiting on the day we can finally reunite with all our loved ones up &kisses ,,aunt carolyn  Aka..(helen)
I could never pick any favorite memory...But this always sticks in my mind....besides Bill the leg..we will save that one.. But, you loved to tell jokes and the best one you ever told was about the duck asking the hardware man for gwapes..'got any gwapes' was a classic Beth as only you could tell mom
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